Filled with vibrant backgrounds and charming characters, MapleStory is an online adventure game that centers around the "Maple World," allowing players to combat monsters and develop their characters' skills and abilities in an immense platform-inspired persistent world. Players interact with each other online through chatting, trading Maplestory M Mesos, and playing mini-games. Groups of players can also ally together in parties or guilds to socialize, hunt monsters, and adventure through the immersive lands on exciting quests. MapleStory’s cash shop offers players the option to use real currency to pay for Maplestory Mobile Mesos enhancements cosmetic items such as haircuts and plastic surgery coupons to virtual pets that can be trained to sit, stand, and breathe fire. This feature is purely optional and players can try out items prior to purchase in a virtual dressing room. 100% trade safety is by all means supported. Powered by MMOAH, all transactions of MapleStory Mesos go smoothly and reliably. If you have any question regarding your order of Maple Story Mesos, our team is of course at any time at your disposal to help you.