Yes, there are other reasons for hair loss, but they are extremely rare. Stress? Impossible. Infection, chemotherapy, drugs or diseases? You probably know what the reason is, the hair starts to fall off in your cheap lace wigs uk hair. Is it likely to be a vitamin deficiency? Very doubtful.
"If you live in the United States, almost no one is really short of vitamins enough to lose their hair," Yates told us." To lose the vitamin deficiency of the hair, you must be so short of some vitamins, you will have other problems than your hair."
Another major cause of hair loss is traction alopecia, but if you don't wear a hat or put your hair in a bun, a braid, or a pony tail, it won't affect you. So put down vitamin supplements and stop worrying. There are four things you can treat or prevent hair loss, we are here to deal with, the sooner we get treatment of the right career, better off, you will.