As a pilot you have probably long realised that your financial profile and needs differ considerably from that of people doing ‘normal’ jobs. It is therefore quite likely that you struggle to find value in ‘general’ financial advice since most of the things that are recommended are simply not applicable to you. This was written with you Wholesale Majestic MLB Jerseys , the professional airline pilot. We trust that you will find the information beneficial and that it will be a catalyst to help you make the decisions necessary to secure your long term financial future. Make sure that your financial planning is in order before it’s too late.
We’ll begin by discussing some of the typical financial issues faced by pilots. This will be followed by some practical suggestions on how you can make your money work for you now, and when your flying career is over.
It is very difficult (and somewhat dangerous) to generalise when it comes to personal finances. We are, however Wholesale MLB Jerseys , quite certain that you will see at least something of your own financial profile in the following description:
According to CASA becoming a pilot is COSTLY!
The time it takes to obtain a licence can depend on a number of factors such as whether you are undertaking full time training or on an ad-hoc basis, aircraft availability, weather and of course your financial situation. An average student will qualify for a private pilot licence after approximately 55-60 hours. If completing training on a part time basis Wholesale Jerseys From China , say 1 hour a week, this will take just over 12 months. Full time training will take about 2 months. For a commercial licence, the 150 hour course will take approximately 12 months full time. If you elect to undertake training on an ad-hoc basis Wholesale Jerseys China , the minimum number of hours you must have will increase to 200hrs and this will take you between 2-3 years to acquire. The cost of flying training will be a significant factor in your decision making. The cost will vary depending on the type of aircraft you fly (the more sophisticated the aircraft, the greater the cost), how often you fly (spreading your training over a long period will invariably mean more hours to achieve your goal) and how quickly you pick up on what’s being taught. A rough guide on the cost of obtaining a licence follows:
. Private Pilot (Aeroplane) Licence – $8000 . Private Pilot (Helicopter) Licence – $17000 . Commercial Pilot (Aeroplane) Licence – $23000 . Commercial Pilot (Helicopter) Licence – $32000 . Instrument Rating – $10000 (aero) Wholesale Jerseys , $14000 (heli) plus cost of PPL or CPL . Air Transport Pilot (Aeroplane) Licence – $2600 + cost of CPL + cost of meeting 1500 hour experience requirement . Air Transport Pilot (Helicopter) Licence – as for ATP(A)L
Prices do not include the cost of study material, licensing fees and medical examinations. Training requirements and therefore costs for helicopter licences can be reduced if you qualify for an aeroplane licence and then convert to helicopters.
Current estimates set training costs with CPL and 1500 hours (just multiply at $100 per hour at the very least) of experience are around $180,000. Getting the right ratings and endorsements in place will add a further $50 Cheap MLB Baseball Jerseys ,000 before a pilot even begins hisher career. These costs mean that most pilots enter the profession with a significant amount of debt to pay off – just as broke as an MBA graduate from Harvard or Yale.
Delayed earnings curves
It is true that some pilots earn very large salaries. This is, however, certainly not true of all pilots. Salaries in the airline industry are very dependent on rank with the highest salaries only achieved once a pilot moves into the captain’s seat.
This status can take some years to achieve which means that pilots will have to deal with significantly lower salaries while they work their way up through the ranks. It is therefore not uncommon for pilots to reach their top earnings potential much later than members of other professions and to do so at times when they have significant other financial commitments (e.g. private school fees Cheap Baseball Jerseys , mortgages etc.). The upshot of this is that many pilots find it difficult to save for retirement.
A struggling industry
Airlines are currently experiencing very difficult operating environments, with many airlines having to cut back on flights. This has resulted in widespread layoffs and reductions in working hours and remuneration. Many flight personnel are therefore dealing with significant job insecurity and the possibility of the loss of income.
Vulnerability to negative health outcomes
Health problems that would merely be inconvenient for ‘normal’ workers (e.g. deteriorating eyesight) could be career stoppers for airline pilots. Add to this the fact that burn-out is increasingly common among airline pilots, and it becomes clear why many pilots have to leave the profession well before official retirement age. It goes without saying that such a move could lead to a significant reduction in income if proper income protection strategies are not in place.
Vulnerability to litigation and loss-of-license
Commercial Pilots work in high stress environments where even a small mistake could lead to expensive litigation and even the revoking of a license. Asset protection should be a key. Unfortunately many pilots are inadequately protected against the cost and loss of income that could result from adverse events.