Are your kids after school activities taking over your life? There is no substitute for extracurricular activities when it comes to building independence and confidence in children. But lately Aleksander Barkov Panthers Jersey , these activities and sports have taken on a new dimension. Instead of joining for fun, specializing and competition has become the norm. However, parents find it hard to resist the pull because so many of the children do participate and they don't want their own children to be left out or left behind.
As long as the kids are having fun - sports are healthy for them. The strain on an already busy schedule is not.
Here are some parenting tips to help eliminate stress in over scheduled families.
First, it is up to the parent to decide how much time a child has available for afterschool activities. Cost is also a factor and the parent needs to work that into the family budget up front. If you are always rushing to get somewhere, or the sport proves to be too expensive then stress will only mount.
Carpooling is key. Especially considering skyrocketing gas prices. Sharing rides will save time and money. So Authentic Evgenii Dadonov Jersey , why not?
Don't double book activities. Even if practices are back to back, it is best to schedule only one activity on an afternoon. If there is an inevitable conflict then be choosy. Decide to switch off between weeks (i.e.: this week baseball practice, next week soccer, and so forth). Remember that kids get tired and burdening them with such a busy schedule is not healthy.
Grades are important! Make school and homework come first. If the report card is headed south you know that the busy schedule is taking a toll and it is time to ease up.
Sticking to a commitment to a sport or activity is important but skipping one or two practices is ok if your child is tired. As long as it doesn't become a habit, flexibility will go a long way.
Make sure your time is their time. If the afternoon promises to be hectic Authentic Vincent Trocheck Jersey , try not to add your own activities, errands, or schedule to the mix. Devote your attention to your children. They will appreciate this.
Balance out busy days with slow days. Make sure that there is downtime built into the week.
And finally, enough rest makes for a happier family. Make sure all of you are catching adequate z's.
VIENTIANE, April 27 (Xinhua) -- The Lao Ministry of Health (MoH) has said as of May 1 Authentic Aleksander Barkov Jersey , all cigarette products of all brands, either domestically made or imported for commercial purposes in Laos, must be affixed with health warnings covering 75 percent of the packaging.
"If we find violations of this regulation, the violators will be warned, have their products seized Cheap Evgenii Dadonov Jersey , fined or have their business license suspended," Phat Keungsaneth, head of the Secretariat to the National Tobacco Control Committee, said on Thursday.
"We expect that in three months, cigarette products circulated in the market that are yet to be labeled with health warnings will disappear and replaced with those with pictorial warnings affixed on the packaging."
Phat said as other countries that signed the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control have done similarly Cheap Vincent Trocheck Jersey , the move will promote public awareness of health hazards and the menace of smoking cigarettes and inhaling secondhand smoke.
"These efforts will help the government inspect and prevent smuggled cigarettes and promote health protection among the general public, especially from non-communicable diseases," Lao News Agency quoted Phat as saying.
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Things I Wished I Had Taught My Children!
Author: Kit Grazioli
But What Did I Know!
Many times I have heard parents say "Thank God my children turned out ok in spite of us". I have made the same statement, always with a lot of pride that they did so. Hardly ever do we hear a parent take responsibility for a child that did not grow up "ok". When I think back to the experience I had with three sons growing up, I realize how little I knew about parenting and I marvel that we all made it through to adulthood without too many disastrous situations scarring all of us forever.
It is my hope that this information will point to some core values that we can instill in our children as well as ourselves - values which will provide a protective shield to prevent them from being bombarded with distractions and temptations to become less than the unique Cheap Aleksander Barkov Jersey , productive, creative, outstanding person that they were created to be. I could not impart this information when my sons were growing up as I did not understand enough about core values at that time, other than "thou shalt not steal, lie Evgenii Dadonov Jersey , kill, or commit adultery". So maybe this advice will help my grandchildren and your children in ways that we may not see the results for quite some time. When that happens, we can believe that we have done the best that we could do to smooth the transition from childhood to adulthood with our children feeling very good about themselves as well.