Many men dream of sporting a constant tumescence as proof of their virility Cheap Seattle Seahawks Jerseys , but as men who have experienced priapism know, tumescence that goes on for too long results in a sore male organ –and can be dangerous to manhood health as well. Similarly, men who experience the condition known as PGAD know that a sore member – and many other issues – can result from being in too heightened a state of excitement too frequently.
What is PGAD?
PGAD is also sometimes known as RGS. It’s a relatively new condition (or, to be more accurate, it has only in recent years been given an official name) and there are some who dispute whether it is an actual medical condition.
So what is it? Basically Cheap Seahawks Jerseys , it’s exactly what the name suggests: a feeling of sensual excitement in the midsection that is long-lasting and recurrent. In other words, in a man it means he has long stretches during which he is in a heightened state of excitement even in the absence of sensual thoughts or desires. Most often in men, it includes the presence of an intense tumescence, often painfully so. In cases in which the tumescence wanes, the manhood still feels a sense of throbbing or sensitivity.
PGAD was described in women before men Tedric Thompson Seahawks Jersey , possibly due to the societal view of men as being “always ready” for sensual activity.
Is it hypersensuality?
Some think PGAD is simply another way of describing hypersensuality, an overactive sensual drive. But the key difference is that PGAD often occurs when there is no active interest in sensual activity on the part of the affected individual. For example, a man may be working feverishly to finish a deadline project, but experience an intense excitement that creates a sore male organ and keeps him from working. This is different from a case of hypersensuality, where thoughts of sensual activity are the reason for the state of excitement which gets in the way of his work.
Men with PGAD often find themselves self-pleasuring or engaging in sensual activity Nazair Jones Seahawks Jersey , not because they feel driven to by their desires, but because achieving release may be the only thing that grants relief – although that relief is often only temporary. Thus a man with PGAD may end up self-pleasuring several times a day in order to relieve the discomfort. And often the frequent self-pleasuring can make the sore male organ feel worse.
Very little is known at this time about PGAD, and so doctors don’t really know what might be causing it. It seems, however, that it is a neurosensory issue; something makes the nerves in the member even more heightened and sensitive than they are normally.
Other than engaging in sensual activity (alone or with a partner) frequently Delano Hill Seahawks Jersey , is there anything a man with PGAD can do? Again, because the condition is so poorly understood, treatment options are still being determined. Among the common medications used are certain antidepressants, anti-seizure medications, and tablets that increase the hormone prolactin. Relaxation therapies sometimes provide some relief Frank Clark Seahawks Jersey , as does applying ice packs to the sore male organ.
PGAD is fortunately a rare disorder, but a sore male organ can occur in any man for a number of reasons. That is one reason why having on hand and regularly using a top flight manhood health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is so valuable. Often that soreness relates to raw, dry male organ skin, so a crème that contains both a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E) can help moisturize and soothe that skin. Member skin is also strengthened if the crème contains alpha lipoic acid Jarran Reed Seahawks Jersey , a powerful antioxidant that is superb at fighting the free radicals that cause oxidative stress and damage sensitive manhood skin. After you verify you may have kidney stones, it is advisable to use a tested kidney stones diet if you ever do n’t need your lack of control so that you can advance. There may be a kidney stones diet that may be appropriate for kidney stones people such as you. This manner of diet provides you with all you need to keep yourself informed of, in purchase to take care of ones kidney stones and prevent your short lived problem by progressing in to further more kidney ruin. The first thing to learn is this fact problem is simply because of the calcification of your current urinary technique. All these stones are made in a kidney, but the stones can easily migrate for the reduce urinary system technique. The particular stones can also be asymptomatic, so this means you don’t see any symptoms in any way right up until that they pass through the cheaper urinary system technique.
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