Isn't it ironic that we're hardly ever happy with what we've been born with? People with straight hair want curly hair Larry Fitzgerald Color Rush Jersey , and people with curly hair want straight hair. Sure, there are exceptions, but you can probably name a dozen people you know that have talked about how much they'd love to have a type of hair they don't have.
If you're in the group that has curly hair but wishes it were straight, then you'd probably love to know what your options are. Today you're going to read about a few different techniques you can use to straighten your hair. You'll learn some benefits of each, and you'll also learn some things to watch out for. Let's get started.
Using a hot iron
The least expensive way to straighten your hair is using a hot iron. It functions much the same as a curling iron but with the opposite effect. By using some conditioners and placing your hair between two ceramic or metal plates to apply the heat Sam Bradford Color Rush Jersey , you'll be able to straighten your hair from the comfort of your own home.
The two biggest faults this method has are sort of significant. First, it doesn't last very long. Most women are lucky to make it to the next time they wash their hair. Second, because you're applying heat to your hair, if you're not someone who's learned how to do it properly, you could burn your hair. No Chandler Jones Color Rush Jersey , you won't burn your hair off, but it's likely your hair could get damaged and need to be revitalized later.
Applying chemicals
Another way to straighten your hair is through the combined use of chemicals and heat. This is a much longer-lasting method than using a hot iron, but it's still not terribly permanent. Sometimes it'll last about a month before you need to have it treated again.
The treatments, such as sodium hydroxide and ammonium thioglycolate, are strong chemicals that actually destroy your hair on purpose so that it can be straightened. They break down the proteins in your hair to get rid of the elasticity that makes your hair curly. Some chemicals are less harsh than others David Johnson Color Rush Jersey , but they usually need a softening treatment first.
Getting a Brazilian treatment
Another newer, popular way to straighten your hair is known as a Brazilian treatment. It doesn't use chemicals to straighten your hair. Instead it uses a protein called keratin. Because keratin is actually found in hair (and fingernails), it's not a harsh compound that will destroy your hair. It's applied to the hair through a conditioner, and then the hair is ironed out.
Not only can a keratin treatment straighten your hair, it can also restore and revitalize it. Unlike the other treatments Pat Tillman Color Rush Jersey , it can last up to four months. The main downside is it's price tag. It can cost several hundred dollars depending on where you go. If the result, professional treatment, and stability is worth it to you, then it's a valid option to consider.
So you can see there are several options that will help you straighten your hair. Using your budget and how much straight hair is worth to you, you can make a solid decision about which method to use. Maybe an at home solution will work best for you Black Markus Golden Jersey , or maybe a trip to the salon is exactly what you need. Either way, you'll be enjoying your new hair very soon! Cold sores are a normal happening, which is mostly characterized by red blisters on the lip. This arises due to exposure to the herpes simplex virus type 1 that is extremely contagious. Based on statistics, most adults suffer from the cold sores on lips one or more times till they reach their adult life. However, these cold sores can reoccur very frequently Black D.J. Humphries Jersey , sometimes within a period of few days.
It is possible to control symptoms of the cold sores on lips by knowing how to get rid of cold sores. There are several treatment options that are more powerful like the over the counter lotions and creams. This sort of medications can be purchased from a common pharmacy and helps to diminish irritation, pain and even bleeding cause because of cold sores on lips. One can apply these medicines straightly on the suffering area.
You can even get rid of cold sores on lips with some herbal and natural solutions. These contain the application of ice on the area along with Aloe Vera. The use of witch hazel extract or even a lemon based lip balm is recommended. These treatments help to soothe the pain, which is created because of sore irritation. Use of warm tea bags on cold sores on lips is another relief factor.
Despite these many treatments, prevention works much better than cure. Person should not only recognize how to get rid of cold sores but also prevent them. You must eat a healthy and nutritious diet to improve immunity and thus combat cold sores on lips. Apply a moisturizing lip balm or cream with sunscreen as it helps in lessening breakouts of cold sores. Adapt hygienic habits like washing your hands after connecting with people. As well, avoid kissing someone who is struggling from cold sores on lips.
Cold sore on lips is quite normal due to sharing towels Black T. J. Logan Jersey , sheets and even pillow cases. Use hot setting on your washing machine to reduce the virus after an affected individual has used it. Apply some anti-biotic alternative to the water to ensure hygienic cleaning. Individual should also avoid using the similar eating utensils with those people suffering with cold sore since the infection arises from saliva. So, avoid using foodstuff, particularly ones that you to bite into. These are several simple and useful options to take care of and reduce cold sores on lips.
Wish to know exactly where to find cold sore remedies? Just go to http:GetRidofaColdSoresFast and discover the numerous factors, symptoms and even cures. Keep in mind, the cold sores on lips is probably not a serious issue but they can result in a lot of irritation.