One of the most daunting tasks for aspiring Network Marketing entrepreneurs is choosing which system or program to sell and market. How can one possibly determine which opportunity is right for him or her? A lot of research should be done by the entrepreneur Starling Marte Jersey , after all this is a business you will invest a lot of time into so you want to make sure you do not start out too far behind the eight ball before you even get started. In your evaluation process there are certain factors people should keep in mind when determining which opportunity fits you best, below are the top three factors I use in my evaluation process on whether to proceed with a certain venture or move in another direction.
1. Promises to Get Rich Quick: We all would relish the opportunity to make money quickly to avoid working hard. That is a dream that all of us have. This is not realistic in the world of Network Marketing. The reason why so many Network Marketing business?s fail is owners become disgruntled when in a few short weeks they are not making the money they were promised to be making. Be on the look out for any program where the product is some kind of ?kit? or if you will be marketing get rich quick literature as your product Josh Harrison Jersey , this usually means the opportunity is a pyramid scam of some kind. Almost all successful business?s were built and thrive on the determination of their owners to get it off the ground and sustain that success by never losing that work ethic. Network Marketing is no different in this respect. So of course it may be more glamorous to jump at an opportunity that will get you rich quick, but be careful and don?t let that be the only factor you evaluate when choosing an option for a Network Marketing Business.
2. Start Up Costs: Unfortunately when buying into a Network Marketing business you are not buying into a system on par with that of a successful franchise. On the flip side the start up costs associated with a Network Marketing business dwarf those of a franchise. With that said in your evaluation process you must take start up costs into account. If the amount of money that will be needed will leave you at too much risk Kent Tekulve Jersey , simply look elsewhere or do not get involved period. A business will not thrive under the pressure of someone having their whole life savings invested in it along with the pressures that already come with the territory of owning your very own Network Marketing business.
3. Products that Won?t Sell: You might be new to Network Marketing, but you are not new to being a consumer. When evaluating a potential business Roberto Clemente Jersey , ask yourself would I buy this product? Most importantly would you buy it at the price it is being sold for? You can be the best marketer in the world, if you are selling a product that is 20% more then the competitions price Willie Stargell Jersey , you business will most likely fail. This factor seems like common sense but the excitement of breaking into Network Marketing can sometimes blind an eager beaver to this aspect of the evaluation process.
Can your Network Marketing business succeed with the factors above being in place? Well keep in mind that 97% of online based business?s fail, so based on that fact I would say absolutely not. However the point of this article is to evaluate each business option on its own merit Pittsburgh Pirates Jersey , so do not take my word for it. Do not take anyone else?s word when they try and sell you on any opportunity, rather have a consistent evaluation process that takes your emotion out of the equation and bases the quality of a Network Marketing program based on what you feel are critical factors to success. Author's Resource Box
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Article Source:
by William M. Reilly
UNITED NATIONS, Sept. 23 (Xinhua) -- "The basis of world stability is being destroyed," Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov warned the UN General Assembly General Debate on Friday and blamed an unnamed "arrogant" super-power for "pushing forward unilateral hazardous solutions to the most complex conflicts and crises."
The outcome of such "feeling of their infallibility ... can be observed by the example of the bleeding Middle East and North Africa," he said in a thinly-veiled reference to the West and the United States in particular.
"It is high time to learn lessons and prevent a slide down to a catastrophe in Syria," Lavrov said. "Mainly thanks to Russia's military assistance to the Syrian legitimate government rendered at its request, it became possible to prevent the collapse of the state and disintegration of that country under the onslaught of terrorists."
Russia's engagement gave rise to the International Support Group (ISSG) encouraging a "political process so that the Syrians could determine the future of their country themselves," he said. "Hegemony has no place in the future if we want it to be a just future that gives peoples the opportunity to choose ways of their development."
Russia's commitment to that approach was reaffirmed in the Russia-China Declaration on Increasing the Role of International Law signed in June, he said.
Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) also laid verbal siege on the United States but with no hesitation about any name.
"As the international community witnesses every year, the situation on the Korean peninsula is often engulfed in a state that goes out of control, whose root-cause squarely lies in the United States which ... holds aggressive war exercises one after another in and around the Korean Peninsula," he said.