Its investment portfolio includes 18% on infectious diseases, 36% on oncology Cheap Andrea Romagnoli Jersey , 12% on metabolic diseases, 16% on cardiovascular diseases, autoimmune diseases 3.0% and 15% on other diseases. BB BIOTECH’s marketable securities are deposited with Zurich, Luzer ner Kantonalbank Cheap Alisson Jersey , Lucerne, Frankfurt and Mumbai, Deutsche Bank, as well as Bank am Bellevue Cheap Alessandro Florenzi Jersey , Kuesnacht. The company offers asset allocation and portfolio composition. It provides scientific, medical and financial skill to achieve good investment results in the biotech sector. BB BIOTECH’s marketable securities comprise of Isis Pharmaceuticals, Celgene, Actelion Cheap Aleksandar Kolarov Jersey , and Gilead among others. The company uses Swissquant, a risk management system. BB BIOTECH is headquartered in Kusnacht, Switzerland.
BB Biotech AG Key Recent Developments
Oct 17, 2013: BB Biotech continues its strong performance – third-quarter profit CHF 338.8 mn share price up more than 50% since beginning of the year
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For more information kindly visit : http:wwwpanyprofilesandconferencesresearchindexPharmaceuticals-Healthcare-c13BB-Biotech-AG-BION-Financial-and-Strategic-SWOT-Analysis-Review1
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