This is one of our random and yet not so random (since they appear nearly every evening) live threads. Everyone is Cheap Minkah Fitzpatrick Jersey , as always, welcome to discuss any subject that you wish on the live threads, but please, in doing so Cheap Cameron Wake Jersey , continue to adhere to the rules of the site. Also as per those rules, the discussion of, alluding to or references to politics or religion are prohibited because we like it better when everyone gets along. Please keep the conversat ion as close to PG-13 as possible. The PG rule also extends to the posting pictures and gifs. Any nudity (this includes photo’s with see-through clothing) or anything else of an offensive nature is strictly prohibited and the posting of such may result in a warning. Additionally, please keep your pic’s and GIF’s to a reasonable number and a reasonable size as to not slow down the load time of the thread too much. Please use the preview button before posting ANY photos to make sure that they do not show up as a huge item that will also slow down the load time for certain site members. Dolphins quarterback Ryan Tannehill was listed as a full participant in last Thursday’s practice , but head coach Adam Gase later said that Brock Osweiler took some of the first-team reps during that session.League guidelines call for players who take anything other than their usual practice reps to be listed as limited and the Dolphins’ failure to do that with Tannehill is one of the things the league will reportedly be looking into. Armando Salguero of the Miami Herald reports that the league will investigate how the Dolphins reported Tannehill’s right shoulder injury before he sat out against the Bears last week.Tannehill was listed as questionable for that game, but several reports leading up to Sunday’s declaration of inactive players indicated that doubtful would have been a more appropriate designation. The team could be disciplined if found to be in violation of league rules.Gase wasn’t in a mood to answer too many questions about Tannehill after the Dolphins beat the Bears, but has said that the injury got worse as the week moved on. Tannehill was at practice Wednesday, but was not throwing the ball during the portion open to the media.