Old School Runescape, the antiquated version of Runescape that still looks and plays like the match I sank countless hours into when I really should have been studying, is obtaining a raid. Its second raid, as it occurs: The Theatre of Blood. A good raid needs good how to get money in old school runescape rewards, therefore when the Theatre of Blood was announced late last year, players were not able to find out exactly what clearing the multi-man challenge could make them. Jagex responded with Justicar armor, a new best-in-slot armor set (above). There was one small problem: players absolutely hated it.
They memed onto it so hard that Jagex is now totally changing the armor's design. And not just that, the artist behind the Justicar armor,"Mod West," is utilizing layouts submitted and voted on by players. Virtually all of Old School Runescape's upgrades go through participant polls, but that is the first time a suit of armor has been forged in a passion of memes.
The irony is that while players hated the'closing' armor shown earlier this year, they loved the prototypes revealed when the raid was announced. Originally, the Justicar armor was part of a trio of armor sets, West informs me, but as the Theatre of Blood moved from obscure idea to actual material, the armor changed with it. Players said there was sufficient DPS gear but not enough tank equipment, so it was narrowed down to just one armor collection. And if they were only going to use one group, Jagex figured they might as well make a new one based on the armor worn with the raid's huge bad.
"We thought changing it a little made sense," West says,"but players were not quite on board with all the first proposal we shared on stream. And then, well, Reddit went crazy."
The memes came out hard and fast. Some players said it was too similar to existing armor, including armor out of Runescape 3, the newer, mainline version of Runescape. Others believed the new armor did not seem tanky enough and liberally provided some choices, with some calling for a more extreme redesign.
It got so bad that some players began to seriously feel that a meme that the updated armor was by a different artist, which the artist who made the prototypes had left Jagex. But then something amazing occurred. Even as memes blotted out sunlight, slowly but certainly serious osrs best skill for money suggestions started to shine through. It began with crude Photoshop jobs, but shortly appropriate illustrations and fan art started to crop up. Players rallied around the notion of a bulkier, blessed armor group motivated by the Runescape god Saradomin, so they went back to West's prototype layouts and made some adjustments.