Now I will talk about the methods by which less than a month increased its capital by almost 4 times!
My way is a bookmaker, sports betting. Investing 1000 rubles, a month later I brought 4000 rubles. Not a bad income, is it?
So how did I do it? Describe technology rates, whom I enjoyed.
First, before that I trained for about six months. Investing 50-100 rubles, I played on them, analyzed what rates are and what are not. At first, I often lost, the invested amount quickly burned. But after three or four attempts, I have managed to get a payback – I managed to increase my Bank by about 1.5 times, then withdraw the money invested and continued to play until the loss. This training allowed us to learn a lot.
Secondly, during these attempts, I realized that you can not bet on unfamiliar sports. After serious losses in the Philippine basketball championship, American football, badminton and other competitions, which I sometimes heard for the first time in my life, I vowed to bet on them. I limited myself to a couple of football Championships, football European cups, hockey NHL and KHL, as well as Grand Slam tennis tournaments. I have been following these competitions for more than 10 years, so I can predict the outcome of the game with a high probability. Bookmaker online pinup betting Third, I learned not to go all-in. No matter how true I may think this or that outcome of the game, you can not bet on it all the savings. Even more – you can not put half of the Bank and much smaller amounts. My threshold is no more than 10% of the initially deposited amount. No matter how great the temptation to instantly increase capital by 1.5, 2 or more times, you can not give in to it!
Fourthly, I watched my luck. This is a very capricious lady with whom you should be very careful. I noticed that after one "correct", but not played a bet, with a high probability lost and other one hundred percent residents and Express. So I would stop if my luck began to turn away from me. It is better to wait out a day or two than to try to take your "here and now" in spite of such signs.
Of course, this is not all the techniques that helped me win, but even following these three techniques will already help you become your own in the world of sports betting.
Of course, on unfamiliar sports do not put. After all, to make bets you need to know what is happening in a particular sport. You need to know which teams play better and win. Which teams play the best players and forwards, defenders and goalkeepers. Well, and do not recommend vnovichkam betting on big money. Same trial and the beginning.
making sports bets you need to learn the experience of playing teams. For example, if we talk about football, you need to watch how teams played in previous games. It is also important what composition of the team played in past games and what composition is declared for a future game.
everything is quite simple in your method. but this is most likely the way from the beginner to the layman. I would not recommend to keep this method as practice shows it is not very stable. very often, strong teams lose to outsiders for no reason.
How to beat the bookmaker? This issue concerns many novice players and not only beginners. Everyone wants to make money on what he likes. Also, everyone wants to get rich easily and in a jiffy. We hurry to disappoint you a little to earn a win in a bookmaker is not such a simple task. Let's start with the fact that you need to beat the entire analytical department of the organization. But as they say, if you suffer for a long time something happens.
Every child knows how to play slot machines, and manufacturers know how they work. And how to win at slot machines in online casinos, nobody will tell you, since there is no one who can constantly win. You can think out the system of the right game and always win with small bets. With high stakes, you can only accidentally hit the jackpot.
You are absolutely right. without such statistics, it makes no sense to bid. Information on the games is on the Nigerian website They collected statistics on past games and there are predictions for future games.