The appearance of "shrews" on the dacha can become a real problem. Moles make a lot of earth mounds, which spoils the appearance of the lawn, as well as gnaw bulbs of plants. How to deal with pests? Start with prevention
If you want to protect the lawn, flower beds and beds from moles, do not wait for them to appear on your site, and take care of timely security. There are many household funds for repelling these animals, when use strongly odorous substances, rattles, turntables, empty the bottle.
If in the course of the mole pour allspice, put a fragrant plant, it will no longer appear in this place. To effectively deal with moles is possible with proper use of poison baits, mechanical traps, and ultrasonic pest repeller.
To do this, around the perimeter of the site to a depth of 50 cm, a small metal grid is dug in, so that it protrudes from the ground for 15-20 cm. the Grid will not prevent the movement of worms and small insects, but will not allow moles to penetrate you. You can use slate or roofing material. Poison bait
Zinc phosphide is widely used as a pesticide for controlling moles. To determine the current progress of the animal, crushed his leg and mark the spot. If the mole restores its course within 1-2 days, it is active. In this case, it is necessary to lower a teaspoon of poisoned bait into the hole and close the hole. Three or four lures are enough on the square with fresh moles. 5 BEST MOLE POISONS | WORMS, GRUBS AND BOMBS: GET RID OF MOLES FAST | BUYER’S GUIDE 2019click here to read Traps To limit the number of moles and their destruction, traps are used, which are best used in spring and autumn, especially after rain. In summer or winter moles are deep in the soil and their location is determined by truo. Of all the traps are the most effective harpoon, crossbow, cutting scissors-jaw. They are installed in the course of pairs, in opposite directions.
Home traps The most simple and effective method of dealing with moles at home — "jar trap". Installing it in a constant or deeper course is most effective, since it is used by moles several times a day. Below the level of the current course, a saucepan or a 3-liter jar of water is broken in, which is covered from above. After some time, the mole is on the move, falls into the jar and can't get out.
Electronic mole repellers There are ultrasonic devices designed to deter from the territory of earth pests — moles, mice,voles, hamsters, gophers, rats, earth squirrels. The generated sound vibrations sent by the ultrasonic device force the animals to leave the area protected by the device. However, practice shows that repellents do not always work - moles simply get used and adapt to sound "stimuli".