IncrediMail is a provider of advanced email services, with numerous features to improve your user experience. It has a range of awesome features, with various multimedia options to help sharpen the look of your emails, allowing you to create a lasting impression. You can also use the various visual effects to show off your creative skills. Features of IncrediMail • It comes with an Animated Notifier • Offers Multiple Templates • 3D Effects • Hand Written Signature IncrediMail has a large user base of over 120 Million of users, most of whom love its service. However, it still has a few issues, that if you ignore for a while, could cost you a lot of your privacy and data. Here are the major issues our clients complain to us about: • Authentication issues. • IncrediMail is not opening. • Crash issues in the application. • Runtime errors and permission issues. • You are not able to activate the registration code. • Send/receive errors in your email. • Spamhaus error. • There is incorrect authentication data. If you also face one of the issues which are mentioned above then do not get worried and immediately seek assistance from the experts and connect with them via Incredimail Support Number 1-844-801-6775 toll-free.