According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary Da'Ron Payne Youth Jersey , karma is defined as “the force generated by a person’s actions held in Hinduism and Buddhism to perpetuate transmigration and in its ethical consequences to determine the nature of the person’s next existence.” In layman’s terms, karma suggests that what you put into life is what you’ll get in return, even if the outcome is not immediate. Therefore, it should be one’s goal to be generous and do positive deeds in life because the pendulum of karma will continue to swing until equilibrium between positive and negative karma is achieved.
In Dennis Shields’ religious satire Wes Martin Youth Jersey , God Went Fishing, nearly every character receives a corresponding fate as a result of his or her actions. Bernie Gold, mentor of the main character Sigmund, tells him that “this was a rational universe and that all was for the best in this best of all possible worlds.” What an ironic statement given that it comes from Bernie Bryce Love Youth Jersey , a man who speaks largely from experiences that are not his own. One must ask then, “Is all truly for the best in this best of all possible worlds?” Only if an individual has had positive karmic outcomes, having always committed good deeds; then yes, it would be the best of all worlds. However Terry McLaurin Youth Jersey , for many it is much easier to veer from good and choose evil than it is to be good for an entire lifetime. Thus, even one negative deed is a “karmic debt” and would have to be repaid in order for balance to be restored.
One character from God Went Fishing that epitomizes the concept of karmic payback is Doctor Laszlo. He performs abortions for a living and relishes it. Also, he arrogantly describes his work setting as, “The clinic where I do the Good Lord’s work.” As fate would have it Montez Sweat Youth Jersey , Laszlo falls from the hospital room to the street below, nearly ten stories down and survives. When Sigmund runs into him later in the story, Laszlo tells him about his fall: “Oh, that. It was the most amazing thing. If I believed in God I would have said it was miraculous. I landed on the hospital awning and bounced onto the ground safely. Thank the Good Lord. But a mobile home ran over my feet before I could get up Dwayne Haskins Youth Jersey , leaving me footless, so I don’t thank Him too much. I myself was in the hospital for a month.” Karmic retribution for the doctor can be seen in the events that follow: his legs are amputated and he is hit with an abortion malpractice suit. He is eventually forced to beg for money in the streets, essentially becoming what he so despised in others.
Ultimately, Sigmund concludes that Bernie was wrong Sean Taylor Womens Jersey , and this is not the best of all possible worlds. There is far too much negative karmic debt in too many people for this to be the best of all possible worlds.
Dennis Shields’ God Went Fishing demonstrates through one fascinating episode after another that we “reap what we sow.” This truth can be negative or positive; it’s up to each individual. This is an entertaining read full of philosophical truths that will have readers examining their own lives in relation to karmic balance in a world where personal choices have lasting consequences.
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Business > Marketing > Small Business MarketingINCOME HOME BASED BUSINESS
Posted by nick_niesen in Business on October 28th, 2010
It seems home based business opportunities are a bit more common in the US than in Europe. However the European marketplace is quickly catching on to the phenomenon of home based business & network marketing. The advantages of a home based business are evident: low cost, flexible working hours & tax benefits, to name but a few. But these advantages have much been there for lots of years Samaje Perine Womens Jersey , so why the sudden growth? Why do so lots of people start their own home based business right now, & why would network marketing be a nice thing to consider for so lots of others?
First of all there is worldwide economic uncertainty & lots of economies are either facing a recession or are in the middle of two. Turn open any newspaper & you cannot miss articles on companies downsizing & laying off employees by the thousands. Network marketing offers people the chance to generate a part time auxiliary income, right beside their day job. This kind of extra income has proven a great help to lots of families across the world. Of coursework lots of network marketers have made a full time living out of there business. Some of them have made fortunes. But this level of success, although available to someone who is willing to do the work Fabian Moreau Womens Jersey , won't be for most people. Most network marketers run a part time business for a small number of hours a week earning them a couple hundred bucks a month.
Then there is the phenomenon of cocooning, where the consumer tries to shield itself from all sorts of marketing messages. Do-no-call lists are in place, making it harder & harder for companies to get their messages across to the consumer. Network marketing, which is based on moving a service or product to the end consumer based on personal relationships Ryan Anderson Womens Jersey , delivers a strong answer to these challenges. More & more traditional companies have discovered that network marketing is a very cost effective way to reach consumers.
Of coursework they cannot forget about the web. This technology has greatly helped making the world smaller, making it less hard to find & disperse information. Network marketing companies have pioneered the web to inform, train & motivate their independent distributors.