Get Ready For The New Health Care Changes Health Articles | November 22 Noah Spence Jersey , 2011 Starting in 2012 a portion of the new health care reform bill goes into action and should be ending around 2020. Over 30 million people, that were previously uninsured will now be covered according to this bill. Are you one of the people who is in disbelief? January 1, 2015 is the deadline for every state to have a insurance exchange set up to start offering people insurance.
Starting in 2012 a portion of the new health care reform bill goes into action and should be ending around 2020. Over 30 million people, that were previously uninsured will now be covered according to this bill. Are you one of the people who is in disbelief? January 1 Kendell Beckwith Jersey , 2015 is the deadline for every state to have a insurance exchange set up to start offering people insurance.
There are so many variables in this bill that the politicians are having a hard time answering questions as they simply do not have the answers. Starting in 2014 everyone must purchase private insurance, purchase insurance through their employer or buy insurance through one's state insurance exchange. It is still the individuals choice, however the government has now added a stiff penalty if they do not want to pay for insurance. They will be fined $695.00 per year. So, the bottom line is buy health insurance or pay a fine.
The timing for these changes couldn't be worse. No one really sees promising improvements in the economy Ali Marpet Jersey , which could lead to financial ruin for the U.S. Many people feel we are already at that door. November 2011 numbers report a record number of people jobless because of business failures or cut backs.
In addition most of these people have lost their homes. Many have run out of unemployment benefits and are turning to food banks to feed their families. Thousands of people every day turn to their state for financial help for energy bills that they cannot pay. If they are able to hold onto their homes, their energy bills are brining them down.
The law now states the any business who employs 50 or more persons, must offer health insurance. Failing to do so will result in payment of $2000 per employee per year. The Federal Poverty Level will set the tone for the insurance rates. The government believes this plan will have a price tag of 950 billion dollars. However they also believe that it will cause a 140 billion dollar deficit reduction the first 10 years and increase to 1.2 trillion the second 10 years according to their estimations.
One question that is not being answered concerns the millions of people who have lost their homes, can't pay their energy bills Donovan Smith Jersey , afford a car or even rent be expected to buy and pay for health insurance or face the $700 annual fine? If food banks are the only resource standing between eating and starvation, where will they get the money to pay a fine mandated by the government? Freedom used to mean freedom to work to pay your bills and take care of your family but is now similar to the American dream; is it all but a thing of the past.
Article Tags: Health Care, Health Insurance, Energy Bills
Produced Water Treatment Systems Market to Be Driven by Adoption of Tertiary Equipment Business Articles | April 4 Vernon Hargreaves III Jersey , 2016
Produced water is a concentrated and intricate blend of a huge amount of organic and inorganic compounds. These compounds are obtained in abundance during the production of oil and gas in the petroleum industry.
The?global produced water treatment systems market?is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.1% from 2014 to 2020. The details are given in a research report titled “Global Produced Water Treatment Systems Market Analysis & Opportunity Assessment, 2014 – 2020”. The report, which is for sale on MRRSE’s website, follows key players and market trends in the global produced water treatment systems market to formulate essential strategies for further development and expansion in it.
The report states that the primary growth factor in the global produced water treatment systems market is the deepening regulatory focus on water reinjection. The petroleum industry now has a mandate for the reinjection of produced water from petroleum extraction and refinement. As an example Chris Godwin Jersey , the report states that the global petroleum industry, in 2014, released 65 billion barrels back into oil fields, both offshore and onshore. The year had seen a production of 201.4 billion barrels Justin Evans Jersey , of which 136.9 barrels were eliminated.
The report estimates that if this trend is followed, there will be 340 billion barrels of produced water by 2020.
Other growth factors that currently influence the global produced water treatment systems market include the overall increase in production of unconventional oil and gas and a widening ratio of produced water to oil. The report also explains the advancements in water treatment systems in terms of proprietary technologies implemented by key market players in the global produced water treatment systems market, namely by MIOX Corporation and Aker Solutions ASA.
The list of top companies described in the report includes Cetco Energy Services, Veolia O. J. Howard Jersey , Schlumberger Limited, Alderley Plc., Frames Group, Aquatech International Lavonte David Jersey , ThermoEnergy and eco-sphere, Eco-tec, Aker Solutions ASA, FMC Technologies Gerald McCoy Jersey , and Siemens AG.