Don?t personalise for me Wholesale Jerseys China , I work in SEO! Marketing Articles | July 21, 2011 Most of us generally like to feel that we are original, a one-off perhaps. Different at least, in our own little ways to other people. Pandering to this flaw in our ego (no Wholesale Jerseys , I?m not speaking of the farmer panda update...again) Google has allowed even our search results to become sculpted to our web browsing lifestyle.
With ?personalised? search results we know that the mighty G is actually trying to filter the results to display the most relevant possible for that particular user. Taking our location and search history into account, we should see results that astound us with their accuracy and personal pertinence. Although some people may be put off by the ?smug search engines thinking they can second guess me...?, or perhaps more strongly, worried in a similar vein to Karl Pilkington ?will I be thinking for myself in the future or will Google be doing it for me Cheap NFL Football Jerseys , therefore will I be me or a Google version of me?? However, in the word of search marketing, we don?t care for these personalised results, in fact they can simply be darned annoying! While it?s heart warming to see a website that I?ve been working on appear on page 1 for a certain keyphrase Cheap Football Jerseys , I need completely unbiased search results to help me understand positioning and competitors etc. Getting an email in the afternoon applauding the ?number 1 position? for a keyphrase when you know they are actually at position 17, simply means awaiting the 2nd email the next morning of ?I?ve just checked at home, and we?re not on the first page!?.? However there is something that can be done and it is in fact very simple. You?ll be surprised to read that this solution didn?t come from Google themselves (very surprised?!). Not that they don?t offer a ?way out of course, however it is a wee bit convoluted for such a simple wish Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys , and you lose all your web browsing history... The simple method however is to append &pws=0 to the end of your search query string in the address bar. For example a search for SEO Agency: Pre de-personalisation.cosearch?hl=en&safe=off&q=SEO+Agency&aq=f&aqi=g10&aql=&oq= Non personalised search stringcosearch?hl=en&safe=off&q=SEO+Agency&aq=f&aqi=g10&aql=&oq=&pws=0 It really is that simple, however you have to remember to do this each time you search. Chrome users out there however have a nice extension option that gives an onoff toggle option. Just ?manage extensions? and then look to install ?SEO Site Tools? (a handy tool to have anyway) which will give you the onoff options when searching:?While there may not be many groups of people out there who do not want personalised results, (apart from those wanting to be ?off the grid? of course, however using the internet probably doesn?t help this lifestyle...) within a search marketing agency Cheap NFL Jerseys , all colleagues have at one time screamed at their screen due to forgetting the switch off. ?So let us all rejoice at the non-personal touch...
Coincidences, d?j? vu experiences, finding a parking space on a meter in downtown Chicago, are all surface indicators of being in the ?flow.? But for more revealing insight Cheap Jerseys Online , examine the quality of your intimate relationships.
Being ?on the path? means that you understand the divine nature of man. That is, you realize that there really is no dividing line between yourself and others. The only division that exists is that which is created by the human ego.
It also means that you realize that you are the physical embodiment of God and in so much as you are God, you must accept that you are Love. Therefore there is no need to find Love. Only fear prevents us from knowing this as truth.
You believe that you have chosen this physical life to deepen your understanding of Love. You know that this is accomplished through the experience of relationship.
With your understanding, relationships become the virtual laboratories where you will either blow things up or create something wonderful. Each time you become involved Cheap Jerseys From China , fear will surface to provide you with a choice; to trust or not to trust. You will choose trust. You choose trust because of the confidence you have in knowing that you and your partner are engaged in a sacred assignment; to learn the nature of Love.
You have chosen to work together because you both possess the same or similar knowledge and beliefs about Love. You are aware that this is why you are attracted to each other.
You will both learn and accumulate additional knowledge by the effect of your interactions. Your emotional responses will help you to determine just how well you are doing.
You discover that disharmony and pain are usually the effects of the ego, while harmony and joy are the effects of Love. Your intuition guides you to the best course of action.
As you acquire more knowledge and understanding of Love, a new you emerges. Honest introspection becomes your most valuable tool; as it motivates you to make adjustments and corrections to personal interactions with others. The more you learn about Love the more loving you become.
Your life has new meaning. You immediately recognize the synchronicity in of all life. You realize your unique purpose. You now know that your gifts and abilities are part of the collective and meant to be shared. The Love that you have learned to give yourself, you freely and without judgment or fear give to others.
You find that you are patient with those who do not know or have not experienced as much as you.