Utley Will Play Two Sit One As Precaution - RealGM Wiretap The Phillies want to be cautious with second baseman Chase Utley http://www.hockeystarsshop.com/Dino-Ciccarelli-Jersey/ , who made his 2012 debut on Wednesday night and hit a home run in his first at-bat. "He and I talked, and we'll try two on and one off before the all-star break," manager Charlie Manuel said. "I want to keep it to where he feels as good as possible every day until the point where we can turn him loose." Manuel practiced a similar lineup routine with Utley when he returned from the disabled list last season, but eventually the second baseman started playing almost daily. "I think him and I definitely communicate with each other," Manuel said. "I trust him a lot, and he's a tough player. He might need a blow some day, but I don't expect him to come around and say, "Charlie, I can't play today.' I think he might throw me a line and let me run with it." What is, How to & Tips | COPD Homeo Treatment COPD includes emphysema http://www.hockeystarsshop.com/Dan-Hamhuis-Jersey/ , an anatomically defined condition characterized by destruction and enlargement of the lung alveoli; chronic bronchitis, a clinically defined condition with chronic cough and phlegm; and small airways disease, a condition in which small bronchioles are narrowed.
COPD is the fourth leading cause of death and affects more than 16 million persons in the United States. COPD is also a disease of increasing public health importance around the world.
Risk Factors
Cigarette Smoking
The causal relationship between cigarette smoking and the development of COPD has been absolutely proved, there is considerable variability in the response to smoking.
Respiratory Infections
These have been studied as potential risk factors for the development and progression of COPD in adults; childhood respiratory infections have also been assessed as potential predisposing factors for the eventual development of COPD.
Occupational Exposures
Increased respiratory symptoms and airflow obstruction have been suggested as resulting from general exposure to dust at work. Several specific occupational exposures, including coal mining, gold mining, and cotton textile dust, have been suggested as risk factors for chronic airflow obstruction. However, although nonsmokers in these occupations developed some reductions in FEV1, the importance of dust exposure as a risk factor for COPD http://www.hockeystarsshop.com/Craig-Hartsburg-Jersey/ , independent of cigarette smoking, is not certain.
Passive, or Second-Hand, Smoking Exposure
Exposure of children to maternal smoking results in significantly reduced lung growth. In utero tobacco smoke exposure also contributes to significant reductions in postnatal pulmonary function. Although passive smoke exposure has been associated with reductions in pulmonary function, the importance of this risk factor in the development of the severe pulmonary function reductions in COPD remains uncertain.
Genetic Considerations
Severe antitrypsin deficiency is a proven genetic risk factor for COPD; there is increasing evidence that other genetic determinants also exist.
Persistent reduction in forced expiratory flow rates is the most typical finding in COPD. Increases in the residual volume and the residual volume or total lung capacity ratio, non uniform distribution of ventilation, and ventilation-perfusion mismatching also occur.
Cigarette smoke exposure may affect the large airways, small airways and alveolar space. Changes in large airways cause cough and sputum, while changes in small airways and alveoli are responsible for physiologic alterations. Emphysema and small airway pathology are both present in most persons with COPD, and their relative contributions to obstruction vary from one person to another.
Airflow limitation http://www.hockeystarsshop.com/Cody-Eakin-Jersey/ , the major physiologic change in COPD, can result from both small airway obstruction and emphysema, as discussed above. Pathologic findings that can contribute to small airway obstruction are described above, but their relative importance is unknown. Fibrosis surrounding the small airways appears to be a significant contributor.
Clinical features:
The three most common symptoms in COPD are cough, sputum production, and exertional dyspnea.
Many patients have such symptoms for months or years before seeking medical attention.
Although the development of airflow obstruction is a gradual process, many patients date the onset of their disease to an acute illness or exacerbation.
A careful history, however, usually reveals the presence of symptoms prior to the acute exacerbation.
It is indicated where the cough is irritating and the phlegm is especially adhesive and the patient complains of a pressing pain in the chest, when respiring, moving or coughing.
It suits obstinate chronic coughs with stitches in the chest, expectoration transparent or muco-purulent, easy at times, hard at others.
It is a valuable remedy for bronchial catarrhs of old people with a very free greenish expectoration, worse from change of weather to cold and wet.
It is a remedy highly spoken of by some competent observers; it seems to suit especially individuals who are constantly catching cold http://www.hockeystarsshop.com/Bobby-Smith-Jersey/ , one is hardly gotten rid of before another is contracted.
The irritation locates itself in the bronchial mucous membrane
leaving troublesome cough.
Mercurius :
The remedy in inflammatory bronchial catarrh; there is roughness and soreness from the fauces down through the middle of the chest, a dry, raw concussive cough, which is very exhausting ;sputum watery, saliva-like,or yellow and muco-purulent..