Yeahwise, dry as a desert. That's the general explanation (as to) why some are bigger and some appear skin, you can just imagine like everything is kind of condensed and like dense, right? So then your pores won't look as big, which is why things like retinols also help with pore size because it helps to like boost the thickness of skin. While our pores can't actually be shrunken or enlarged, their appearance can definitely be minimized with various tips and tricks, and good skin care habits. And this takes us into some pre skin care steps for taking good care of our pores. And the first one is, face steaming at home. So as we said in our previous pore care video, you can't actually open or close a pore, because in orde Bluoxyn r to do that you need a muscle, and there is no muscle surrounding your teeny tiny little pore. So what they mean is, it's basically got to do with temperature. When it's hot, your skin as an organ expands, and it will like magnify that hole which is the pore. And then when it's cold it will contract. And so