really been seeing much of a difference it cellulite but actually I just started using this like last month my face razor which I haven't talked about before but it's got this little blade here chewing noises so but the catching little hairs that's working I use it I do and you evianne trim your eyebrows yes so that's another one I actually use it it's a little tricky and I don't know if I do [Laughter] waiting's especially one that's really get between ya pretty easy to reach you gotta be careful not to get overzealous with exfoliating no have you gotten raise your buddy maybe for that I don't know I think I went to town a little bit too much so that any like slight bump on my face I kind of a got like opened up and I think maybe break up a little bit so I kind of went yeah Amazon this came as a pack of like 12 for like super cheap and the Marine is tinkle that's one tingle and I'm moving on to hair so I feel like these are also good options for in the winter specifically I'll start with my Nioxin clarifying shampoo this one I got it's when I was having trouble with Deandra so I wanted to make sure that I was just getting my