You'll only get a 1099-R, Either if you received more than $10 from a retirement plan or want to delete an unwanted or duplicate 1099-R. Here's the easiest way to enter or delete your 1099-R in TurboTax. 1. Open your return. 2. In TurboTax, search for 1099-R and click the link in the search results. 3. That will take you to your 1099-R Entries screen. 4. Select how you want to enter your 1099-R and then follow the steps. 5. Or if you want to delete, Select delete next to the unwanted 1099-R and then answer Yes on the following screen. If the above-mentioned steps do not help you to fix the issue then you can connect with TurboTax Customer Service professionals by dialing TurboTax Support Number. Read more: - Turbotax Customer Care Phone Number | Turbotax Customer Service Phone Number