girls you know will come to you what time do you want to sleep sir okay after the meal then you come like they are the best in the world second is Amira of course and Dubai the other best and for the first-class passengers they give you a pink pad you can walk into dxn code strike the immigrations in a special way okay fast right they will not question you you go in either Popo go in because rich people come to chop no question okay is this the lifestyle that you want go for it dxn was immediately you can do this is my family more family I love my father I left my mom I always want to bring them for holidays to Bali you know he was quite he got diabetic battery 40 years he never believed me he that Emil believed the exact product he fasted doctors he believed a doctor he go overseas every two times in a year to see the doctors after 20 years the doctor told him okay sir seems like your kidneys not doing well