this you don't press good job stay with new you keto this building that stability we're getting ready to move on last three two and one good drop your heels stand up walk your feet in bring your legs parallel right in line with your hips good almost there we have two more each side now heel together toes apart hands to hips lift to your toes knees Bend and lift knees down and up down up then tucking my tailbone in pulling my bellybutton into my spine think about pulling up a tight pair of pants or pulling up a zipper you want to draw your abdominals in and up keep that tailbone in so if you could take your hands and place them on your front and back you'll feel that nice connection through your core as we work the legs heels are lifted pressing together keep those heels squeeze it'll support your ankles while you build stability knees track over your second toe and then we zip up the inner thighs