Hola-vpn : how to use it in China. The most popular VPN service today is Hola-vpn. Millions of people and many companies use it to improve their security on the network. But does this mean that the service is good? And if it is good, how much does it cost and how to use Hola-vpn? We understand in order.
In part, the popularity of Hola-vpn is due to a good advertising company. I note that the company is an official partner (read: bought advertising) of the Liverpool football club, the BBC media holding and Forbes.
At the same time, the company offers a fairly reliable VPN service for a moderate fee. On average, for $10 per month, the company's customers receive an encrypted high-speed connection to the network-VPN.
Their network operates from any country in the world. Including North Korea and China. At the same time, 256-kilobyte encryption is used. That is, it is almost impossible to intercept information.
Well, for those who do not have enough, you can use DoubleVPN. That is, a double chain.
In addition, the service provides a built-in filter for suspicious resources. In other words, it is also an additional protection against viruses.
Yes, the fee is really acceptable. I immediately thought that this service will cost much more. at first I wanted to use a paid service but now I'm working with a free option. tell me how secure my data is. and does it make sense to continue using a free VPN?
For example, you sit in a cafe and pay for housing. A person who hacked into a network can easily get a payment system account - this is fraught with grave consequences. Unfortunately, such cases are becoming more frequent. Especially useful for travelers, when going somewhere on your device must be installed VPN - this is very important!
If you ever tried to figure out how to get around the block, you probably came across an unfamiliar VPN abbreviation. It's time to figure out what this technology is and how it works. Briefly speaking, when you use it, you get a “gasket” between you and the Internet in the form of a server in another part of the world. To explain in detail the essence of the methodology, many technical terms are required, but this is not necessary.
Nowadays, VPN connections are used mainly in cases where people want to hide their Internet activity from the prying eyes of strangers, thereby ensuring their online privacy and bypassing blocking access to content (both local and national). Other purposes of using VPN services include protection against hackers when working in public WiFi networks and bypassing geo-blocking of sites (to access content that is available only in certain regions).
You already know what vpn is. However, you still do not understand the essence of the issue. This is absolutely normal, because I have not finished yet and have only managed to give a definition. So, let's continue. How to use vpn? Let's see how vpn works. Personally, I use this https://bestvpnforchina.co/reviews/hola-vpn/ You are connecting to the server, and then what? And then, the server connects to the Internet on your behalf, and you can continue to use the Internet, as if nothing had happened. However, even if you do not see much difference on the outside, everything has changed dramatically inside! Below you will find out why VPN is used.