Tips to Breast Screening with MRI scanners Health Articles | December 19 Austin Seibert Inverted Jersey , 2011 Using MRI to detection and assessment of breast cancer, agent of gadolinium contrast is used to highlight lesions and their extent. For minimize loss of visibility using subtraction and fat suppression techniques.
About MRI Scanners
Using MRI to detection and assessment of breast cancer, agent of gadolinium contrast is used to highlight lesions and their extent. For minimize loss of visibility using subtraction and fat suppression techniques.
Screening MRI is not practical for general use, that because high cost and limited availability. Mammographic screening is cheaper than MRI screening Sheldrick Redwine Inverted Jersey , but the study said MRI might be the most cost efficient screening modality, especially for a high-risk probability of breast cancer.
Especially for breast coils the MRI breast imaging maybe the best choice, cause bilateral multichannel system. The MRI system can scan the whole body with magnet of 1.0 T or more. Here MRI Scanners feature, slice thickness of 2.5 mm or less and a plain resolution of 1.3 mm or less Sione Takitaki Inverted Jersey , and the latest high end is 1.5 T scanners can achieve a Voxel size of 2 mm or less.
Advantages MRI Scanners
MRI sensitivity for breast lesions is no doubt, but the specificity is not adequate. MRI-guided biopsies is often used or performed for histological examinations. This two different MRI guided intervention methods usually for used:
1. 10 聳 5 mm of the lesion (using freehand technique which allows wire localization)
2. For better result using the stereotactic approach
Here several biopsy devices on the market: coaxial core needle system, stereotactic system, biopsy guidance device and vacuum assisted core biopsy gun. Above type of devices have greater versatility in radiology department. But if breast coils are not available Greedy Williams Inverted Jersey , then standard whole body scanners can be used to breast MRI imaging.
Dedicated Machine
Now, a dedicated machine is available, the different is that machine can custom-designed for breast MRI, and the patient must be pleased. And the scanners will be focus on specialized task needed on particular group of patient.
The Reason why Expensive
This is the reason why an MRI scanner is more expensive: Standard 1.5 T multi-purpose MRI scanners cost between 1.1 - 1.9 million dollars. Dedicated breast MRI scanners costs 1.4 - 1.8 million dollars. All MRI scanners require investment in terms of physical space David Njoku Inverted Jersey , running costs, maintenance and staffing. A dedicated breast scanner will require some more costs.
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For further information about breast cancer please check at Breast Cancer Category
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Help Your Plumber Out - Clean Up The Area They Will Work In Home Repair Articles | November 20, 2011 If you have to call a plumber to come out to your home, chances are there's a fairly significant problem Myles Garrett Inverted Jersey , or at least you think there might be. To help get the most out of the money you will spend to have your situation checked out, be prepared to help out before he or she arrives.
No one wants to have to call a plumber - or any type of repair man for that matter - because it means that not only has the given situation has gotten out of one's control, it is also going to cost a lot of money to fix.
Nonetheless, if a situation with your pipes Nick Chubb Inverted Jersey , fixtures or water source reaches the point where there is nothing more that you can do and it is time to summon the help of a professional plumber, it is important to know how to approach the situation.
While a plumber should be trained to locate, diagnose and fix a plumbing issue, as well as take preventative measures to ensure that it will not reoccur Denzel Ward Inverted Jersey , it isn't ideal to leave that all up to him or her. Especially in time-sensitive situations where a leak or loss of water pressure may be doing damage or preventing you from going about your business, knowing how to prepare for plumbers before they arrive can go a long way towards getting your problem fixed quickly and easily.
So how do you prepare for plumbers, even if you don't know a thing about plumbing yourself? It can be done, because even some of the most basic tasks can go a long way towards helping to streamline your repair process.