phir bhi tumko chahunga lyrics was recently in his hometown Lucknow. “I was really tired with my back-to-back jigs and was also feeling homesick. So whenever I feel creatively blocked, I book my tickets for Lucknow, come here, have maa ke haath ka khana, meet my friends, ride my favourite bike, recharge myself and then go back,” shared the Bulleya singer in an exclusive chit chat with us. Recently given his voice for the song Ole Ole 2.0 in the Saif Ali Khan starrer Jawaani Jaaneman, Amit talked to us about the trend of remixes and recreations, comparisons between retro and the contemporary numbers and his favourite genre – ghazals... Tell us about your latest release ole Ole 2.0 which is a recreation of another Saif Ali Khan starrer Ole Ole. Ole Ole 2.0 is a recreation of the iconic song Ole Ole. The original track was the EDM of that era and this one has been recreated using EDM in the present time. We have changed the introduction of the hook music, plus lyrically too there are several changes in the song. So this is how it is a recreation and not a remix. Created by Tanishk Bagchi, the best part about this song was that I got to sing it with a singer like Abhijeet Bhattacharya, who was the singer of the original song. What I also loved about the song was that even I got to sing it for Saif Ali Khan. This was another very good advantage for me. Most singers, who either singer the remixes or recreate an original number are compared