While working on QuickBooks an error occurs “6123, 0 message error, we are sorry but QuickBooks can’t open your company file”. This error may leave the user wondering that what went wrong but don’t worry is always available to solve the problem.
A user may experience it while upgrading a company file to the new version, opening the file in multi-user mode or while taking back up. Many reasons are possible for it and it might affect your data and computer.
There is no particular reason for QuickBooks error 6123. It is possible that it is caused by one or multiple reasons but knowing these help in taking better precautions. Following are the possible reasons for the error caused:
When the user redeems his data from the flash drive directly. When the user’s QuickBooks data file is damaged. Rummage in user network connections. While the computer is running multiple Quick database files. When Block Web Bugs filter option conflicts with the QuickBooks database.