Right now I have hobbled together a hacky whacky discord bot for RuneScape gold clan, I am scratching the public clan index(html) in their site for user's,online status, membership status,position, and ign(to match with my database). The membership status needs to be asked after the page loads within an ajax call. An ajax telephone that loads everything else already. Then I'm scratching every users runemetrics profile for the capped/visited from adventurers log, together with levels and quests. This way I reach 99 levels and could announce in chat if clanmembers quests that are complete.
So far I can let clanmates do skills and quests for an summary of their stats, together with restricted and caps for indicating you have capped at citadel and list of caps with rudimentary verification(as far as runemetrics allows tbh). I am scraping each individual RuneScape players runemetrics profile every 5 minutes and the standing every moment. As a developer I am equally amazed at what I have managed to achieve and disgusted by how things work in their side. Could we please get a proper oauth2 break api for: clans therefore I can research a list of clan members, citadel resources, RuneScape players that have restricted, skillplots etc. break api for runemetrics so that I can look up users within our clan for our discord functions. Runescape is a social game and discord brings it together for me.
I have to imagine Jagex didn't expect anyone outside of their number to actually must call to the API. And like RuneScape sport itself, the site is just nineteen years of gathered spaghetti, piled up since the times when Andrew Gower cooked up that first bowl of glorious ramen. I can not say I'm overly hopeful that the head honchos in Jagex are eager to invest in finally paying off these nineteen years of specialized debt, even as they violate two apparently unrelated parts of RuneScape game for every one they spot, week upon week. Jagex's developers seem plenty occupied just keeping up with the unsustainable monetisation needs of the investors, and as they hemorrhage talent from the chaos of a change of possession, they can hardly afford to then crank out new content on top of all that. At least, that.
Probably not what you need to hear but at a certain point it is probable you will be rate limited. I had a ceremony running cheap OSRS gold and after a while the requests would fail. I assume it is because of this point. I've asked them to boost their web services several times over the years purchase its always been an problem of priority. Apparently the internet team spends time on upkeep.