and voila it's just like having that file server experience but inside of Microsoft 365 but now that we have all of our files inside of Microsoft 365 we have all these awesome features available to us so for example if I go back to this file and I open it up and I go make some changes and right away you can see this is automatically saving so I've got autosave on it's saving as I go and then the user is protected as they're working which is huge but let's take it a step further what if that user goes oh my goodness I need the way this file looked two weeks ago because it's all messed up now no problem that used to be something that the user would have to submit a reque DXN Code Strike st in IT or go back to the backup system and say look I've clobbered this file it's a mess I need the way it looked previously I can just go file info version history and I can go ahead and grab the file from the way that'll look previously I can go ahead and open this and it's gonna say this is a previous version do I want to make this the current version I can hit restore or I can just go ahead and hit file save as and I can go ahead and