] okay so moving on to supplements so okay so when you are eating vegan keto it can occasionally like that it's always good to have a little bit extra in your diet and then the other is and magnesium these both have a 180 tablets you can table it up to three a day I generally take one or two per day and I will definitely continue to purchase these until I can find an electrolyte powder that has everything you need which is very much potassium magnesium chlo Alpha Testo Boost X ride sodium and that's that's pretty much it like in essence those are like the four main ones so I'm kind of in the market for an electrolyte powder I could just mix in with like juice or not juice that's a terrible terrible example I don't know why does it do that he drinks juice oh then I can make something like tea or coffee black decaf coffee tea there Buster and caffeinated coffee so yeah that is everything first supplement and then talking about some more coconut stuff and I'll probably be wrapping up the video pretty