carb and honestly just delicious so these are really good staple to add to your more fatty and like mild protein filled dinner definitely a good option and then we have giant heads of cauliflower that we use for cauliflower fried rice or just like grilled cauliflowe Size X Male r it's delicious and then other than that I would use asparagus as well not very often compared to the others but then I would also use a zucchini which we're out of right now as well because we eat a lot of zucchini just to do like grilled veggies on the side of whatever your main meal is okay so other than that we have vegenaise this is an amazing brand it's by earth island and it's just the original vegenaise I think you can get this in flavors as well there might be a garlic one I'm not totally sure but this is like a source of omega-3s which again is great if you are vegan and keto and it has no carbs whatsoever it's pretty much just pure