Sometimes, you may enter a wrong payment that can lead to a big disappointment. But, there is nothing to take the stress. As you are allowed to delete such deposits QuickBooks has entered mistakenly. Today, we will explain “ how to delete a deposit in QuickBooks”? Introduction: QuickBooks Payments Before knowing the steps to delete or undo a deposit in QuickBooks, we would like to tell you that there are two categories for recording QuickBooks payments: Deposited payments Undeposited payments You are required to perform the whole process to delete a deposit in QuickBooks. The process to delete a deposit in QuickBooks Below-mentioned is the steps to delete a deposit in QuickBooks. You are required to apply the steps carefully. You can find out the Delete Deposit under the Edit option if you have selected the deposit within the register. In case of having lots of payments in one deposit, launch one transaction. After that, choose Delete Line.