It's one of the most well-known ways to make some easy cash early in the game. All that you have to do is go in the reward area located on 3rd floor of Stronghold of Security. To do so head over to the Barbarian Village and leap down through the opening in the middle. All that you have to do is go through the doors, and answer a few easy security questions and lead you to the prize.
You can use the minimap and determine which way is the best one to take not to get stuck in the maze. There are four floors offering different rewards , however gold is only at the third level. If you're here for fancy boots, you can skip the final level. During your journey you will encounter numerous monsters of fairly high levels so be sure to pack some food to stay secure. It's a fairly simple task that will assist you when you begin your journey but because it can be done only once it is not an effective way to earn money.
If your account is brand new and you are looking to earn some additional gold your best bet is to loot items in the Wilderness. There is the possibility of being killed by other players as items you'd like acquire are located in the Open PvP Zone, but it's extremely unlikely that someone will attack you if you are on a low level.
You must ensure that you leave all your gear in the bank to not lose anything valuable and then head towards the Ruins at the level 24 of Wildy. The Steel Platelegs can be found there. Take a trip to another realm to make them respawn and then fill your inventory. After you are done with it, all you have to do is to take everything off the market and transfer your gold at the bank.
If you want to know more about Rsorder RS Gold, please visit rsorder