The best mobile phones to buy under Rs 30000 in India just happen to be some of the best phones in the market too. At Rs. 30,000, you can today get smartphones that are almost flagship class. These phones offer the best hardware available today along with great cameras and a premium design. That means you’ll be buying premium smartphones, with little by way of compromise. Here are our picks for the best smartphones under Rs. 30,000 in India. One of the most impressive features of the OnePlus 5 is its battery. We get a 3300mAh battery under the hood, that should easily last for one day with heavy usage. Also, there is Dash Charge support onboard that can literally charge the phone from 0-60% in just 30 minutes. There is a fast fingerprint sensor located inside the home button, which can unlock the phone in 0.2 seconds. There is a bottom-facing speaker, Dirac HD Sound and 3 microphones with noise plus 5 buy online. Xiaomi Redmi 4A (Review) will go on sale in India on Thursday, marking the first sale of the new variant with 3GB of RAM and 32GB in-built storage in the country. Of course, the original Redmi 4A model with 2GB system memory and 16GB storage - launched back in March - will also be up for grabs in the sale. redmi 4a amazon and nokia 6 amazon India price and details.