Fiber optics is a worldwide adopted and an extremely robust means of data transmission. It is a science of high-speed transmission of data using fiber distribution box. In a country like India, which is witnessing technology advancements at an exponential rate, the demand for fiber optics has increasingly led to the establishment of many companies who aim at providing quality fiber optic solutions and services.
Many eminent personalities, graduated from some of the most prestigious colleges of India like the Indian Institute of Technology (IITs) and having many years of industry experience in networking and communication, have jumped into this lucrative field. They have started their own ventures and are striving to provide quality services in this emerging but competitive business.
Since then, the development in the area of fiber technology is growing rapidly. From there on, this fiber technology was used in various areas including, dentistry and other internal medical examination.
Currently, the technology is used everywhere (universities and enterprises) for data fastest data transmission, with the help of fiber optic connector. In order to have the better transmission through these connector, fiber optic cleaning has to be done regularly, failure to which may lead to failure of entire transmission.
In general, these fiber termination box require frequent connection and disconnection for its transmission and this practice always leaves trash in the adaptor or receptacle. The most amazing fact here is, even one micrometer of such dust particle or debris is competent enough of causing a huge signals or disorder.