OSA is the most common kind of apnea. It is a disorder characterized by repeated pauses in air flow during breathing when the person is asleep. The pauses occur because of narrowing Cheap Jerseys China , floppiness or blockage of the airway by highly bulky, distorted or lax pharyngeal tissues. This disorder can result in insufficient supply of oxygen to essential organs, chronic tiredness and more serious consequences. Read on to know what the symptoms of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) are.
Obstructive Sleep Apnea – The Symptoms
If someone you know shows the following symptoms, it could be that heshe has OSA.
In Adults
• Hypersomnia or excessive sleepiness during the day – The person may fall asleep while sitting in a car, watching TV, reading, working Cheap Jerseys , lying down or just sitting. However, these brief periods of sleep do not do much to solve his general feeling of sleepiness. • Snoring – The person would snore heavily as soon as he has fallen asleep. However, there would be episodes of silence in between the loud snoring. • Breathing cessation when asleep • Morning headaches • Forgetfulness • Depression, irritability, grumpiness or impatience • Swelling in the legs (in case of severe OSA) • Felling of sourness or dryness in the mouth at night-time • Chest pain or sweating when sleeping • Heartburn at night • Episodes of gasping or choking at night • Tossing and turning when asleep • No knowledge of the apnea episodes on awaking
In Children
• Total sleep time is longer than normal for his age • Irritability • Inattention or hyperactivity for no obvious reason • Bedwetting • Excessive night sweating • Morning headaches • Restlessness in bed • Waking up often • Ribcage associated inward movement when breathing in • Takes a lot of effort to breathe – heaving chest, flaring nostrils • Snoring • Drooling or choking • Mouth breathing • Sleepiness or lethargy in the classroom • Is not growing or putting on weight as fast as he should for his age
Treatment for this Sleep Apnea
Two common modes of Obstructive Sleep Apnea treatment are using the CPAP (Continuous Positive Airflow Pressure) machine and surgically fixing the problem. The former is the most common method of treatment. It provides adequate air pressure to restore regular sleep patterns, reduce daytime sleepiness and improve the person’s mood. However Wholesale NFL Jerseys China , the CPAP machine is a heavy and inconvenient piece of equipment and most patients who use it usually suffer from some kind of side effect. Surgery is therefore a better option, especially if the patient has:
• Moderate to extreme OSA • Low AHI but suffers from excessive daytime sleepiness • Got no relief with non-surgical treatment • OSA with structural airway aberrations • Co-existing health disorders such as hypertension and heart arrhythmias
Search online or ask your friends or colleagues for an experienced plastic surgeon who is an expert in treating sleeping disorders such as Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Surgery at an AAAASF accredited plastic surgery center would ensure efficacy and patient safety.
An Immediate Medical Consultation is Essential
Awareness about the symptoms of Obstructive Sleep Apnea keeps you alert. You are now well-equipped to recognize its prevalence or advise a loved one, friend or colleague affected by it. If you do see these symptoms in someone you know, encourage the person to get medical attention immediately. For every couple, engagement marks a special occasion in their life. The occasion can be made memorable by choosing a perfect diamond ring for your life partner. There are a lot of factors which may be considered while selecting the perfect diamond ring for your partner.
Tips that can help you choose a diamond studded engagement ring
Buying a diamond ring is a task that requires much wisdom. The dazzling diamond rings, which can capture every woman’s heart, are available in a variety of designs. High quality diamonds Wholesale NFL Jerseys , which are expertly crafted can created unique and mesmerizing diamond rings. You can also choose from among various types of designer rings and custom made rings for your loved ones.
Birmingham is popular for its jewellery circuit. You can browse through various designs in engagement ring shop in Birmingham. Few aspects to consider while buying engagement rings include:
You can choose from among a large range of diamond engagement ring designs to suit your requirements. These may range from diamond square bands, colourful gems and diamonds, floral accents and many more. You will never run short of innovative and latest diamond ring designs.
Diamond studded engagement rings are available in prices ranging from affordable to very expensive. While choosing an engagement ring, make sure to select one keeping in mind your budget.
While buying a diamond ring, it is advisable to consider the following 4C’s that define the quality of a diamond:
• Carat which measures the size and weight of the diamond.
• Colour of the diamonds as colourless diamonds are the most expensive.
• Clarity which marks the uniqueness of the diamond.