offers advice both on legislative and other regulatory law making to readers across the world. The advice offered is bound to assist you in making better legislative laws or other forms of regulation.
All nations of the world have put in place legislative laws that govern their countries. Most of the regulating laws deal with similar topics in almost all the nations of the world, and this is the reason why the website does not talk about legislative law for a particular country. The website reflects the universal rules for developing legislation and regulation. is currently the only website for anyone looking at understanding legislative regulatory practices based on law.
Whilst the topics of legislation regulation are similar , many different regulatory practices and traditions have evolved. To improve one's own legislation regulation, it is useful to study legislation and other forms of regulation of other jurisdictions. By visiting website, you will access many good examples of legislation and other forms of regulation. The website offers a directory of reference regulation for most of the current legislative topics. Readers thus get an insight into many different legal traditions.
Furthermore, you receive information and advice regarding the activity of legislating regulating. For instance , the Handbook “How to regulate?” offers legislative and regulatory techniques in nine different jurisdictions on six continents, but also contains a complete method of law-making regulating. This method of law-making regulating is so far unique in the world, it seems. They can improve their regulatory or legislative practice by studying good practices developed elsewhere and in other regulatory fields sectors.
The website thus aims at closing this gap in the professional training programs of public administrations and parliaments. Law students are also encouraged to make use of the website, where they will be able to learn more about the law-making process , a topic hardly dealt with in law studies.
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