Cancer of the colon is cancer of the large intestines or bowels. There is an uncontrollable growth of tumor cells in the lining of this part of the intestines.The cancer may spread to the walls of the intestines Antonio Garcia Vapor Untouchable Jersey , adjacent structures and to other organs. There are about 100,000 new cases of colon cancer in the USA each year and about 60 Derek Rivers Vapor Untouchable Jersey ,000 deaths. Worldwide there are about 600,000 deaths. The disease affects both women and men. Risk factors and causes- Cancer of the colon is commoner in industrialized countries where meat consumption is high. Risk factors include: -History of colon cancer in the family-Diet high in saturated fat -Alcohol consumption -Low fibre diet -Obesity -Smoking -Inflammatory conditions of the colon -Age over 50Signs and Symptoms- Signs and symptoms are usually evident when the tumor gets to a certain size. They are often related to the presence of the tumor mass in the area. They are:-Change in bowels habits -Blood in the faeces -Abdominal distension -Constipation -Chronic fatigue -Weight loss -AnaemiaDiagnosis If symptoms suggest that a tumor may be present a colonoscopy is performedColonoscopy-This is examination of the entire colon using a lighted tube to examine for the presence of lesions or growths. A biopsy of any abnormal tissue can be done at the same time making it a preferred diagnostic procedure.It is also the standard test used to screen for colon cancer.Biopsy- If a tumor is spotted Brandin Cooks Vapor Untouchable Jersey , a biopsy is done. In this investigation a specimen of any lesions or tissue is obtained to examine for the presence of cancer cells. This is the most definitive diagnostic procedure, as the tumor can then be identified as either benign or malignant. Barium enema- This is a procedure in which a barium compound is instilled in the rectum filling the rectum. X-rays are then taken and the colon can be viewed through its outline.Digital rectal examination (DRE)- In this procedure a physician examines the anus and the rectum and prostate using a gloved finger. Stool for occult blood can be done at the same time using any stool left on the glove.Blood tests- Another investigation is blood tests for tumor markers. If cancer is present the protein antigen is elevatedPrevention of colon cancerConsumption of red meat seems to contribute to the higher incidence of colon cancer in industrialized countries. Developing a healthy eating pattern is therefore an important preventive action. Other preventive measures include: -Regular screening for those at risk -Keeping physically active -Avoiding tobacco -Keeping weight within limits -Controlling alcohol consumption -A high fibre diet Treatment Surgery- This is the removal of the section of the colon affected Martellus Bennett Limited Jersey , along with the blood supply and lymph nodes. Following this resection either an anastomosis or a colostomy would be performedAnastomosis- In this procedure the ends of the remaining colon are joined together by a reconstructive procedure. Colostomy- If the reconstructive procedure is not possible or is too risky, a colostomy is performed. This involves bringing the end of the remaining colon through the abdomen and sewing it to the skin. A stoma is created through which faces is excreted. This may be temporary or permanent. Radiation- Radiation is used following surgery to remove the tumor cells not removed by resection or when there is metastasis. Chemotherapy- This is the use of anti-cancer drugs. Chemotherapy is used when there is a risk that the tumor will return. It is also used for stage 4 cancers when surgery is not possible. Other possible treatments are Adjuvant therapy and Alternative therapy. The balls from a wiffle ball pitching machine are safe to use with small children and you are able to begin training them to be a future baseball or softball stars with a wiffle ball pitching machine.
Using a unit will give anyone great practice on both batting and catching. They are just like typical pitching machines that throw a variety of different balls like curve balls and fast balls. You could be training baseball players of tomorrow without any worry of serious injury. These machines are safer to use than a softball or baseball unit.
The balls are smaller and very lightweight having holes in them. If one of the balls hits a child it will do little injury even if it is being pitched by the equipment. Other machines can pitch balls at 50 miles per hour or much more and can cause some severe damage if it comes in contact with a child s head.
The machine pitches fast balls but due to the fact the ball is so light it won t cause harm. If you have a pitching machine kids can learn to hit all kinds of balls that they would encounter in a regular game. It really is quick to translate from the wiffle ball to a soft ball or a baseball when the time comes.
Curve balls may come from the right or the left and you ll be able to set the equipment lower for the height of a smaller child. Most machines arrive having a variable speed control too.
One of the greatest things about the wiffle pitching machines is that you ll be able to take it indoors Elandon Roberts Limited Jersey , like a gym and not need to worry if you ll break anything. Set the rate for very low and practice catching.
A wiffle ball bat is smaller and light weight so you will not have to be concerned if any one gets hit with the bat either. Wiffle ball pitching machines can be utilized for field drills as well even though due to the fact of the lightweight of the ball they is probably not as accurate.
The great thing about this kind of unit is that it really is much less costly than a regular pitching equipment. You are able to pick a great, durable equipment up for around USD $100 to $200. The balls are cheaper too and you can have quite a few more of them because of the cost being so inexpensive. Also if you lose a few it s not really that big of a deal as apposed to losing softballs or baseballs.