That was my first reaction when I heard about Poker Training Network. I figured it was one of those kid?s online gaming stuff, which I don?t play any of. I?m a serious business person! Well, online gaming is not this company?s business, although it looks like they?ll be playing off that market, and it is a seriously huge one.
What Is Poker Training Network?
Poker Training Network provides training for poker players of all levels, from beginners to pros. Their products are web based programs Customized Arizona Cardinals Jersey , which means no shipping required, and instant delivery. The training interface and the play simulator are both very slick, user friendly, and loaded with features. Affiliate?s back office contains tons of learning material for both business and personal development. Marketing material includes video prospector ? a trackable tool that sends out promotional videos to prospects. Over all, well designed and pretty impressive package.
Here?s a few immediate advantages that I see:
Unique Niche
First, poker is unique, fresh Cheap Arizona Cardinals Jerseys , and different from anything else in network marketing right now. That alone will attract a lot of attention. With every product and service seemingly in the industry these days, chances are people have not heard of this one. If you get involved now, you?ll be able to promote something entirely new.
Facebook Application
Poker Training Network is launching a Facebook application in mid April of 2010. Zynga, a similar program, has over 28 million users currently. The affiliates can then invite people to the application to play poker, and if they decide to join the business, the referring affiliate will be credited. What it means is that you can introduce people to the business in a fun Evan Boehm Cardinals Jersey , non-pressure environment. Facebook is the second biggest site after Google, so it has a potential to grow virally.
Poker Night
Poker is a social activity. If you know someone who plays, they would most definitely know others who do. Because of its casual and fun nature, it will be much easier to talk about than your regular MLM products. How many times have you tried to bring your friends to your opportunity meeting and they said no? At Poker Training Network, you can invite people to their poker nights. They are all about fun. I?ve written an article on Warm Market previously and I stand by my opinion, but I do see more potential in this strategy with PTN.
What else is there? Quite a few actually, but in this brief article I?ll stick to the highlights.
With over 300 million poker players worldwide Antoine Bethea Cardinals Jersey , poker is the 3rd most watched sport in the U.S., and is a growing industry. The company is backed up by solid management and funding. It is in pre-launch, and with the Facebook application coming out, it could be growing very rapidly.
Timing is very important with any opportunity, and Poker Training Network is worth a look, right now. Combined with powerful marketing strategy and system, the potential is undeniable.
To learn more about this opportunity and top MLM earner?s secrets Karlos Dansby Cardinals Jersey , continue reading below.
By Jon Day
TOKYO, Dec. 2 (Xinhua) -- Japanese politicians have recently expressed growing concern about the rising numbers of a section of society aged roughly between 15 and 34 known both in Japan and globally by the acronym NEET (Not In Education, Employment or Training), as the government desperately tries to reboot the employment market as part of its bid to yank the world's third- largest economy out of recession and back on a recovery path.
As a recent report released by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare showed, there are currently an estimated 630,000 NEETs spanning the country Andy Lee Cardinals Jersey , which is almost 2.5 percent of people in that age demographic, but while the figure has increased by around 40,000 young people each year over the past decade, private organizations believe that the contemporary figures are actually far higher, exceeding 1.5 million people.
Government reports have designated NEETs as being those who typically reject conventional models of society and adulthood in general. Whereas they've seen generations above them join escalator systems transporting them through various stages of education and delivering them automatically into the workplace to become"salarymen"or to seek further education to obtain more skills, or higher education to become more marketable to companies, for them Phil Dawson Cardinals Jersey , the NEETs, following such social constructs goes against the grain.
Keiko Gono, a prominent Tokyo-based sociologist, explained that in the past Japan was known for its system of"lifetime employment" meaning that essentially when an individual joined a company, they would spend their entire working days there, with their annual salary expanding yearly along with their bi-annual bonuses, and when they turn 60 Markus Golden Cardinals Jersey , they would end their career with a princely retirement package and enough money in the bank to see out their lives comfortably. "But then Japan's economic bubble burst and suddenly life for many people became a lot harder. Investments were lost, regular salaries and bonuses were cut and a lot of restructuring in business began to happen,"Gono told Xinhua in a recent interview. "Essentially this meant that rather than firing someone, a worker considered inefficient in their company would be moved to a different department perhaps with a stricter manager, sometimes to a different office, or even to a different part of the country, with previous privileges removed and certain incentives cut." "In some instances D.J. Humphries Cardinals Jersey , power harassment in the work place in order to get them to quit of their own volition, so the companies didn' t have to pay redundancy money would occur, or measly early retirement packages were offered, so the individ.